Unlace your corset! Last year’s FringeNYC award winners unite with 13P-playwright for a mutation of Jane Austen’s ‘Mansfield Park’ mixed with the wickedness of Marquis de Sade. A theatrical spectacle of devious desire and changing identities around one woman’s box.
In the era of botox-beauty and fifteen-minute fame, A Small Hole investigates what it means to be a heroine. Fanny seems sexless, useless, unappealing. She is an oddity to everyone around, including the audience - but still she remains the girl who gets it all. Juxtaposing the erotic language of the Marquis de Sade and the sober preaching of Jane Austen, the play asks questions about sexuality, gender, and womanhood in a culture that seeks to confine these ideas to a box.
“Most Fringe shows are content to merely take part in the festival; A Small Hole means to further the theater in the larger sense”
Robert Simonson, The New York Sun.
“Alice Reagan replaces the muttonchops and Laura Ashley prints typical of most Austen adaptations with voyeurism and sadomasochism”
Paul Menard, The Brooklyn Rail.
- Writer: Julia Jarcho
- Director: Alice Reagan
- Actors:
- Dramaturg: Ramona Thomasius
- Choreographer: Beth Kurkjian
- Stage Design: Shane LeClair
- Sound design: Mark Valadez
August 2006. Performed at Dance New Amsterdam as part of FringeNYC 2006.
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All photos copyright Jill Jones.
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