

In the 1920′s, when rents in Harlem started going up, people got the idea of having a few friends over as paying party guests a few days before the landlord’s monthly visit.  The guests had a great time, and it cost them much less that they would have spent in some public amusement place.  Thus the rent party was born.

* * * * *

With the economy the way it is, and the theatre the way it is, PL115 has come up a little short on rent at the end of our season. What could be better than a rent party?

We cordially invite you to Rachel’s questionable apartment for some dancing and bathtub gin.  (Don’t worry.  We’ll tell her to clean the bathtub.)


What: PL115′s Chalk Circle Rent Party
Who: Performance Lab 115
When: Saturday, May 30 at 9:00pm
Where: Rachel’s House – 360 Adelphi St., Brooklyn (view map)
How Much: $10 gets you in and puts a drink in your hand, and drinks after that are super cheap!
Why: You love a good party.

Questions? Email

More info on Facebook

posted by Jeff on Tuesday, May 26, 2009  

Tickets on Sale for Caucasian Chalk Circle

PL115 is hard at work rehearsing the second show of our 2009 Season:

Caucasian Chalk Circle

by Bertolt Brecht
translated by Eric Bentley

Chalk Circle performs
June 25 – July 11, Wed – Sat @ 8PM
at The Chocolate Factory

Find out more about Caucasian Chalk Circle
Get your tickets today

posted by Jeff on Wednesday, May 20, 2009