"This cheeky adaptation, by Dave Dalton, Jeremy Beck and the company, addresses Wagner's agenda with remarkable sensitivity and insight."
"A very satisfying mix of pop culture and high art ... It's golden fun - from an ensemble that goes all the way to the mat."
"Dipping from two pools of unlikely source material, The Ring Cycle (Part 1 and 2) gets it right, and like a deep fried snickers bar, it is unexpectedly delicious."
"An ambitious, potentially sacrilegious and extremely rewarding adventure in creative adaptation."
"Parts 1 and 2 are so brilliantly conceived I'm anxious to see what they'll do with Siegfried and Twilight of the Gods."
* Listen to NYC classical radio station WQXR's feature on PL115's Ring Cycle.
* Check out a feature on The Ring Cycle in The New York Post.